On the first day of Christmas...
So the story begins. I have decided to keep a log of what happens while we try to shoot our 2nd film production. Our first film, popularly known as 'Hey!', was a 1 minute thriller about a girl being chased. Thrilling stuff, that was. It was however severely plagued by a dysfunctional camera, which made it kinda hard to see what went on. And there's not much room for explaining in just one minute.
Our second movie, for now known as 'Santa's Suicide' or 'Gamle Nikolaj', is deeply disturbing tale of Santa's demise following some wacky misunderstandings.
Day 1.
We started shooting down at the harbour, where we needed to get a lot of shots of Santa looking sad and gloomy, drinking glögg, and what not. Actually we shot from about 8.30 AM to 2.00 PM, getting great shots of Santa weeping, the harbour looking depressing, Jakob (The director du jour) throwing a big hunk of metal into the water to make splashing sounds and bubbles. The greatest moment however was getting the shot of Santa walking into the sunset in his underwear. Santa, it should be mentioned, is a 70+ years old amateur actor called Laurits, and how we ever got him to do it, I will never figure out.
When we returned to our editingroom to watch our dailys, it was apparent that we had, once again been given a dysfunctional camera. All our recording were utterly and completely useless. About this time I was ready to kill somebody.
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